Project 1
Serving 175 students, grades: 18mo to 12th
Project Overview
This school, which serves 175 students, was in need of complete restoration after the effects of Hurricane Maria in 2017. The project called for building repairs, supplies, office equipment, cafeteria appliances and classroom furniture. The Lord provided the generous donation necessary for this project to move forward and significant progress has been made to the glory of God! The school has been painted, the electrical system was restored, and class rooms are currently being restored and furnished with the supplies needed.
Project Description
Provide funding for preparation of the school building paint, student desks, electrical repairs, air conditioners for 24 classrooms, teacher desks, supplies and photocopier, appliances for kitchen and lunchroom for students and musical instruments.
Project Status Update
Computer classroom has been completed.
Project 2
Serving 160 students, grades: Pre-K to 12th
Project Overview
The school was greatly damaged by Hurricane Maria in September 2017. They needed renovation of classrooms, new additional classrooms, kitchen, offices, equipment, fences, materials and playgrounds. Although many schools in Puerto Rico had to shut down operations, they were blessed by many helping hands and were able to re-open shortly after the disaster, but were not functioning at the level they needed.
Project Description
Stage #1 – Prepare area and build First Floor (3 classrooms, Administration
Stage #2 – Equip Classrooms and Administrative Office (Desks, Chairs, Boards,
Computers, Cabinets)
Stage #3 – Build 2nd floor (3 classrooms. 1 science/computer lab)
Stage #4 – New outdoor basketball court
Stage #5 – Auditorium (utilizing the proposed basketball court)
Project Status Update
Stage 1 & Stage 2 projects complete. Stage 3 is underway.
Project 3
Serving 162 students, grades: Pre-K to 12th
Project Overview
The school, which was already deteriorating and lacking certain basic necessities, was greatly damaged by Hurricane Maria in September 2017. They needed the addition of a cafeteria, new computer/science labs and complete remodeling and re-furnishing of classrooms.
Project Description
With the generous donations already received, the school was able to begin construction of a new cafeteria, classroom renovations and new technology equipment. Additional funds received will allow for completion of this project.
Project Status Update
The cafeteria construction project is in process. The school has also seen increased interest from members of the local congregation to contribute their time, labor, and giving toward the projects as well.
Project 4
Serving 269 students, grades: Pre-K to 12th
Project Overview
The library is in need of expansion and for this the adjacent classroom has to be sacrificed. The Technology Learning Center (Computer Laboratory) has 22 computers and holds 22 students at a time. Groups of higher number of students need to couple up to work. It is envisioned to expand this facility sacrificing the Director’s Office to accommodate larger groups and more comfortable with ample moving space. This area will need more computers (8), tables (4), chairs (8) and technological instruments such as Graphic Drawing Tablet Board kits for each computer (30). There is a metal staircase that connects the three story building actually closed due to safety. This staircase needs to be reconstructed in either metal or concrete and provide students access to the three levels since the Science laboratory is in the first floor and high school students are in the third floor. This staircase also provides a second emergency escape way. Since a classroom and the Director’s Office will be used in the expansion of the Library and Computer Lab, a third floor needs to be constructed for five new classrooms and relocate the Director’s Office. Special events, conferences, morning devotionals, chapels and special classes are offered at the auditorium. There is a need to acquire 250 resin chairs to accommodate all the students at one time.
Project Description
Expansion of the library, new addition of a third level for classrooms, computers and technology equipment for expanded Technology Learning Center and resin chairs for the auditorium is the immediate concern.
Project Status Update
Funding received from donations collected have allowed this school to purchase the resin chairs and new Chromebooks are in the process of being acquired.
Project 5
Serving 475 students, grades: Pre-K to 12th
Project Overview
The school has outgrown their space for the Pre-K classes and are in need of constructing its own daycare building to address the matter.
Project Description
New building construction dedicated to a free-standing Pre-K facility will be built on property next to the existing school building.
Project Status Update
Blueprints and documentation were prepared and submitted in October 2019. Permits for construction are in process.
Project 6
Serving 70 students, grades: 7 to 12th
Project Overview
The school grounds needed to be repaved, new basketball court and new fencing needed around the property.
Project Description
Repaving with asphalt and installing new fencing.
Project Status Update
Fence and asphalt project is complete. There is now a new proposal being considered for the addition of an elementary school.
Project 7
Serving 89 students, grades: Pre-K to 9th
Project Overview
The classrooms on the second floor sustained damage from Hurricane Maria in 2017. There was a need to replace wiring, refurbish the classrooms with new paint and classroom equipment and replace A/C units in some classrooms.
Project Description
Rewiring, refurbishing and equipping the classrooms, and new A/C units installed.
Project Status Update
Project complete.
Project 8
Serving 113 students, grades: K to 12th
Project Overview
The school was in need of updating their computer lab, this meant new computers for students.
Project Description
Updating the computer lab with new equipment and technology.
Project Status Update
After their initial proposal was reconsidered, the school received 50 new Chromebooks for their computer lab.

Project 9
Serving 70 students, grades: Pre-K to 12th
Project Overview
This school was in need of renovating six classrooms and the school office and replacing furniture and equipment .
Project Description
Renovations for six classrooms and the administrative office, as well as new furnishings and equipment throughout.
Project Status Update
Project complete. In addition, the school has since almost doubled their enrollment. They have also begun providing weekend art classes for the community and adult classes for HS completion, which includes an 82 year-old student on her way toward obtaining her HS diploma!