Glorify God. Bless the nations.

Our mission is be a platform to develop effective biblical partnerships that multiply the Great Commission.

Our calling is to go and make disciples, see the lost saved, the broken healed, families restored, children receive a Christ centered education, Pastors equipped and the Body of Christ mobilized.

Thank you; we could not reach the Nations without you. One plants, one waters, but God makes it grow. Our most urgent need is your prayer covering. We realize nothing of significance happens in the Kingdom without prayer.

Puerto Rico



Dominican Republic

South Asia

How We Help

Providing Education

Equipping Pastors

Planting Churches

Increasing Discipleship

Dear Friend of World Missions Today,

World Missions Today is dedicated to working in His harvest field and focusing on building His Kingdom. We desire God’s will for World Missions Today, nothing more, nothing less. Taking part in the Great Commission is bigger than any one organization. We are all invited to join Him in bringing the Harvest yet we must recognize we are small players and He is the main player in His story. In other words, we say Thy Kingdom come instead of my kingdom come. We are all called to participate in an eternal Kingdom.

We are called to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.  What if missions organizations were not so concerned with their own success, but the Kingdom’s success?  At World Missions Today, we desire to be a platform to develop effective biblical partnerships to accelerate the Great Commission.  There is too little collaboration among ministries.  What if effective mission organizations and churches can work in collaboration with each other and not in isolation from one another?  What if we don’t care who gets the credit for what God is accomplishing?

Luke 19:10 says, “The Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.”

Are you ready to join us? You can support World Missions Today financially by visiting our donation page and we welcome your commitment to praying for our team and missionaries. 

Glen P. Dubois
President of World Missions Today